御 名 御 璽
内閣総理大臣兼外務大臣 吉田茂
国務大臣 男爵 幣原喜重郎
司法大臣 木村篤太郎
内務大臣 大村清一
文部大臣 田中耕太郎
農林大臣 和田博雄
国務大臣 斎藤隆夫
逓信大臣 一松定吉
商工大臣 星島二郎
厚生大臣 河合良成
国務大臣 植原悦二郎
運輸大臣 平塚常次郎
大蔵大臣 石橋湛山
国務大臣 金森徳次郎
国務大臣 膳 桂之助
I rejoice that the foundation for the construction of a new Japan has been laid according to the will of the Japanese people, and hereby sanction and promulgate the amendments of the Imperial Japanese Constitution effected following the consultation with the Privy Council and the decision of the Imperial Diet made in accordance with Article 73 of the said Constitution.
Signed: HIROHITO, Seal of the Emperor
This third day of the eleventh month of the twenty-first year of Showa
(November 3, 1946)
Countersigned :
Prime Minister and concurrently
Minister for Foreign Affairs YOSHIDA Shigeru
Minister of State Baron SHIDEHARA Kijuro
Minister of Justice KIMURA Tokutaro
Minister for Home Affairs OMURA Seiichi
Minister of Education TANAKA Kotaro
Minister of Agriculture and Forestry WADA Hiroo
Minister of State SAITO Takao
Minister of Communications HITOTSUMATSU Sadayoshi
Minister of Commerce and Industry HOSHIJIMA Niro
Minister of Welfare KAWAI Yoshinari
Minister of State UEHARA Etsujiro
Minister of Transportation HIRATSUKA Tsunejiro
Minister of Finance ISHIBASHI Tanzan
Minister of State KANAMORI Tokujiro
Minister of State ZEN Keinosuke
The Constitution of Japan
We, the Japanese people, acting through our duly elected representatives in the National Diet, determined that we shall secure for ourselves and our posterity the fruits of peaceful cooperation with all nations and the blessings of liberty throughout this land, and resolved that never again shall we be visited with the horrors of war through the action of government, do proclaim that sovereign power resides with the people and do firmly establish this Constitution. Government is a sacred trust of the people, the authority for which is derived from the people, the powers of which are exercised by the representatives of the people, and the benefits of which are enjoyed by the people. This is a universal principle of mankind upon which this Constitution is founded. We reject and revoke all constitutions, laws, ordinances, and rescripts in conflict herewith.
We, the Japanese people, desire peace for all time and are deeply conscious of the high ideals controlling human relationship, and we have determined to preserve our security and existence, trusting in the justice and faith of the peace-loving peoples of the world. We desire to occupy an honored place in an international society striving for the preservation of peace, and the banishment of tyranny and slavery, oppression and intolerance for all time from the earth. We recognize that all peoples of the world have the right to live in peace, free from fear and want.
We believe that no nation is responsible to itself alone, but that laws of political morality are universal; and that obedience to such laws is incumbent upon all nations who would sustain their own sovereignty and justify their sovereign relationship with other nations.
We, the Japanese people, pledge our national honor to accomplish these high ideals and purposes with all our resources.